Specialty Programs


There are currently more than 38 million seniors who are aging in place, and nearly 2/3 of these seniors rely on help from other people and/or assistive devices

Approximately 80% of older adults have at least one chronic disease, and 77% have at least two

The most common chronic issues affecting older adults include: arthritis, diabetes, dementia, and mobility issues/risk of falling

76% of Americans age 50 and older say they prefer to remain in their current residence. This means the need for caregiving specifically tailored to chronic conditions will only increase.

Sequoia Senior Solutions recognizes the desire for seniors to remain independent and age well in their homes. Sometimes that means bringing in a caregiver for companionship or simple household duties, but it’s more common that a caregiver is needed to help address mobility and/or chronic health issues. We have developed a robust lineup of specialty training programs as well as specific procedures to help provide excellent care for seniors in our community experiencing these issues.

Our Solution

Home Inspection & Needs Assessment

Sequoia Senior Solutions performs a complimentary and personalized needs assessment and home inspection to ensure client safety. During the assessment process, special care is taken to assign a caregiver who has the experience to meet the needs of the client as well as interests and traits that will best match their personality. This allows for greater consistency for the client. During the home inspection, a care manager will identify any issues that could compromise client or caregiver safety as well as make home modification recommendations if appropriate.

Caregiver Training

In addition to our internal training program and state-mandated caregiver training, most Sequoia Senior Solutions caregivers are specifically trained and educated in one or more of our specialty programs that address the most common conditions and challenges that seniors face:
Each course is created and reviewed by Registered Nurses and accredited by the state through the California Department of Public Health.

Care Plans & Caregiver Supervision

A Sequoia Senior Solutions care manager will perform periodic visits to ensure that all caregivers follow proper procedures and will monitor progress and update the care plan as the situation evolves.
Book a discovery call
Check out our senior health resources
Become a professional caregiver