

Nearly one-quarter of U.S. adults have arthritis, with that number expected to rise by nearly 50% by 2040.

43% of adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis had arthritis-attributable activity limitations.

Adults with arthritis were about 2.5 times more likely to have two or more falls and suffer a fall injury in the past 12 months compared with adults without arthritis.

One in four adults with arthritis report experiencing severe joint pain related to arthritis and nearly half of adults with arthritis have persistent pain.

Sequoia Senior Solutions recognizes the complexity and challenges of arthritis and the chronic pain commonly associated with it. We have developed a training program, oversight, and specific procedures to help provide excellent care for seniors in our community who are suffering from this condition.

Our Solution

Home Inspection & Needs Assessment

Sequoia Senior Solutions performs a complimentary and personalized needs assessment and home inspection to ensure client safety. During the assessment process, special care is taken to assign a caregiver who has the experience to meet the needs of the client as well as interests and traits that will best match their personality. This allows for greater consistency for the client. During the home inspection, a care manager will identify any issues that could compromise client or caregiver safety as well as make home modification recommendations if appropriate.

Caregiver Training

Many Sequoia Senior Solutions caregivers are specifically trained and educated on arthritis and best practices for client care:
  • The fundamentals of arthritis, including the most common types, risk factors, causes, treatments, as well as the anatomy of a joint and the musculoskeletal system
  • The effects and types of chronic pain and how to measure it, the consequences of untreated or undertreated chronic pain, and how to close the pain gate
  • Benefits, guidelines, and technique for helping clients with rehabilitative and preventative range of motion exercise
  • Addressing common challenges associated with arthritis through assistive devices, adapting personal care and ADL routines, and home modifications
  • Recommended diet and exercise guidelines and common medications and supplements

Supervision & Monitoring of Progress

A Sequoia Senior Solutions care manager will perform periodic visits to ensure that all caregivers follow proper procedures and will monitor progress and update the care plan as the situation evolves.
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