Gabriella, a native of Italy, has dedicated her life to caring for others, beginning as a senior care provider as a teenager and eventually working as an RN in the ER and ICU departments. After moving to the U.S., she received her B.A. in Biological Sciences from Rutgers University and then pursued a career in marketing back in Europe, working as a marketing manager for Baxter Healthcare. Prior to starting Sequoia Senior Solutions with her husband in 2003, she earned a master’s degree in marketing from Golden Gate University. Gabriella most enjoys meeting with families who are beginning their search for home care, conducting home assessments, and helping potential clients and their families feel relaxed and relieved. She is a mother to three boys and lives with her husband Stanton Lawson in Petaluma, where she also serves on the board of the Petaluma Health Care District. In her free time, Gabriella enjoys cooking, gardening, and revisiting classic Italian literature through audiobooks.